i just create this blog since i was teach by mdm A.. one of my Favorited lecturer.. first i don't expected to have a blog, but now i have it..! erm, what will i do for this blog is just share what I've done and share some information that i had read.. hihi.. and of course i will write it in English for not forgetting mdm. A desire..
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
dota dota dota!!
dota2.. what is dota? the full name of these game is "defense of the ancient".. i started to played this game since i was in part 1 students in UiTM.. hell yea.. i addicted to played this game.. cuZ, my brain can't stop thinking about my strategies to kill the enemy!! and da nowww.. i still addicted to this game! i think i am good in playing this game.. i mean can consider as pro!! acthhhhhh....hahaha... i also had created an account in garena game world which i can play with other people through it... currently my garena level is 9...
but today. 28 may 2011 i was played twice game( dua dua manang tau!!0hehe ) which the first game i used rylai cristal fall (cristal myden) here she is
she looks sexy right hahaha.. love to use her level 6 skills...
the second game i used line inverse slayer heere she is:
she also looks hot kn ahaha n the ultimate power is so strong!
actually i am boring right now.. nothing to do.. so i play dota la... hmmm.... suddenly ak teringat kenangan bermain dota semasa belajar duluu... haha my experience playing this game was.. i was (i mean my friends zul,sadre,shahari n aydil n me ofkos) had joined satu pertandingan dota d UiTM.. badly we lose it.. but not uncit... hehe... and da we also had played i mean group 1 n group 2 championship battle!! haha but me n zul had a glory of that game!! <----(JADI!!!) ok la duhh!!! next game! will use akasha (the queen of pain)! here she is:
but today. 28 may 2011 i was played twice game( dua dua manang tau!!0hehe ) which the first game i used rylai cristal fall (cristal myden) here she is
she looks sexy right hahaha.. love to use her level 6 skills...
the second game i used line inverse slayer heere she is:
she also looks hot kn ahaha n the ultimate power is so strong!
actually i am boring right now.. nothing to do.. so i play dota la... hmmm.... suddenly ak teringat kenangan bermain dota semasa belajar duluu... haha my experience playing this game was.. i was (i mean my friends zul,sadre,shahari n aydil n me ofkos) had joined satu pertandingan dota d UiTM.. badly we lose it.. but not uncit... hehe... and da we also had played i mean group 1 n group 2 championship battle!! haha but me n zul had a glory of that game!! <----(JADI!!!) ok la duhh!!! next game! will use akasha (the queen of pain)! here she is:
Friday, May 27, 2011
is nervous la kok!
today, i just had interview by my boss (chengg)... yea.. i am really nervous la kok!! gladly all the question that she asked is simple.. but i don't understand how my work is.. she said, my position in that company is as assistance account! sounds good yea.. but not too much in preparing account la... its just key in all the amount of transaction, make some invoices and so on.. she said also, its getting busy when in the end of the month... mmm see whether i can handle it or not... hehe... but my nervous is not disappear yet!! 3 jun i'll start... hehe
ok duhh... ;)
ok duhh... ;)
i'm in..
i was offered a job as clerk (a clerk???) not confirm as clerk.. i dunno what position is...hehe.. this Wednesday i asked to give my resume.. hope i can do my best for their firm and may get experience to posses in the future.. hurmmm...
mmm.....i am now waiting for my degree level study..while waiting for that...why not spending time to work... take some experience! hehe
wish me luck.. meeeeeww :)
a a... wait.. today i had went to fishing again... my luck, i got another TILAPIA fish at the same place that i had mention at the previous entry... again we ate river fish! it jarang2 tau..huhu
mmm.....i am now waiting for my degree level study..while waiting for that...why not spending time to work... take some experience! hehe
wish me luck.. meeeeeww :)
a a... wait.. today i had went to fishing again... my luck, i got another TILAPIA fish at the same place that i had mention at the previous entry... again we ate river fish! it jarang2 tau..huhu
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
its 25th
25/5/2011 is all Diploma UiTM students result announce!
thanks to all my lecturers and my friends cuz i pass in the final semester examination!! hurayyy
for the next plan, i'm waiting for my application for continual studies in degree level... i hope i can get it... hehe... for the 3 months in holidaying, i'll spent my time by working mayB..hurmmm
hope all my friends also get pass!! hehe
but my target for the final result is not achieved. but i have to accept it.. what to do..cuz i realize i had made much mistakes in answering the final exams! hehe..
ok duhhhh
thanks to all my lecturers and my friends cuz i pass in the final semester examination!! hurayyy
for the next plan, i'm waiting for my application for continual studies in degree level... i hope i can get it... hehe... for the 3 months in holidaying, i'll spent my time by working mayB..hurmmm
hope all my friends also get pass!! hehe
but my target for the final result is not achieved. but i have to accept it.. what to do..cuz i realize i had made much mistakes in answering the final exams! hehe..
ok duhhhh
Monday, May 23, 2011
Reading novel!!
wow! i can't believe my self, cuz, before this i never read novel especially in English lagi!! even novel in Malay.. before this, when i read every novel, i did not manage to read until the end...its just like that... but this novel is getting my attention cuz, it has a lot of suspense story and many information i had got after reading this novel... i think reading is a part of my hobby.. hehe
this is a bit description about the novel that i have read!
A book about 15 years-old boy with Asperger's Syndrome who decide to write a mystery about a dead dog hardly like the stuff a prize-winning best-seller is made of. Yet The curious incident of the dog in the night-time is just like that. it has been sold in twenty-four languages, Hollywood has snapped up film rights, and its appeal has been extraordinarily wide, leading to the publication of two different edition: one for adults and one for children. it may be Haddon's early experience is writing for children that has helped him to portray Christoper's world view with such accuracy. the boy;s voice is one of the things that makes the book so strikingly unique. its wonderful to write in, says Haddon, 'because it makes you simply paint a picture, very concretely, and leave the reader to make up their own mind about absolutely everything. i also like the fact that the novel puts you instantly inside the mind of someone that you would probably never get into in real life at all.....
=.=!! hmmmm... will fide another story of novel...
ok daaaa.. ^^V
Sunday, May 22, 2011
last minutes was lucky day today!
writing on this blog while enjoying LA cigarette + corn ice cream with chocolate taste and da watching hitz.tv channel which currently is rihanna song (who that chick) is on!
hmmmm.... today, is my lucky day as i think one of the most memory ever i will remember...hehe it's about fishing at AMPANGAN KILAN... normally i doesn't like fishing at the river since i got (ketaguran dulu2 memancing d sungai which our member called AMPANGAN)..hehe but, today my brother in law bring me with his wife(my sister) to fish at river which is near with my home.... just about 50 meter from my home.. hmmm...
firstly first, before i went to fish... i made my own tools to used to fish (tools means my fishing rood and the item that related to the fishing rood...) which i made my own float, fishhook and so on.... 3.30 pm we went to the AMPANGAN with hopes to aim snake-head fish(toman) to bring home... ^^V
hmmm.. we stared fish by using (chicken liver and dead fish as bait), i sit alone with my cigarette..waiting so long....hmmmm... "aaaaaaa" my sister is yelling.... for the first person who got the fish is my sister...she got the snake-head fish WTF... (hmmmm... sinuhuktir... kecil syak pown)-----> of kos i jealous!!! and said "WHAT EVERRR IT IS... DUHHHH)..haha and stay calm... at that moment i was a bit disappointed because, when i throw my bait.. suddenly the bait fly jauhhhhhhhh... meaning tercabut cari matakail!! it was happened 5 times!!! then i felt down... Suddenly my sister got another snake-head fish WTF i sail in my heart again... the second fish that she got also the small one.... hmmm then me and my brother in law got jealous too.. we go to place area where my sister got the fish!!! lol... i think we may called "KILAR NYA ORG KEDAYAN" haha but my sort of feeling is strong by going to the next area from my sister.. then i trow my bait to the river... in about 3 minutes, suddenly my bait is shaking like there are fish is peaking my bait... the i ask my brother "chai, ikan ka tu yg matuk ak punya umpan???" then he replied " ikan damit tu yg makan".. then in my head (hmmmmm.. yala tu..hehe kunun..." the suddenly i take up my fishing rood witch result noting... then i throw back at the same area which i think "there must be a fish..huge fish cuz i can feel it"... then suddenly in about 4 minutes later my float is getting deeper for my sight and i take up my fishing rood with proud its a huge fish i got is said "hooooooo...." the i ask my brother "ikan apa ni???? basar ih.." he said "ikan kaloi tu..." then in my mind "kalapia kali ih"..then i trust him.. "yala kalapia la tu" (people in peninsular called that fish is TILAPIA... then my spirit is strong and try i it again... OMG!(stail mdm betsy haha)... i got the second fish which is same with the first fish i get... then suddenly my hook is off from my catgut... so i decide to stop... so then we went home and i show up my fish to my father.... then suddenly i dont know what to do with that fish...lol... my father said "guring la nyaman tu" i replied "bah.... ak mana seja..." my first impression bout to eat ikan sungai is bad.. i said "eyuuuhhhh"..haha.. but then my father fried it with garlic OMG!!! it gooooodddd! so fresh......
the end... that is the first experience i had!! n hope for the next time comes, i'll get it again.. because, usually ikan TALAPIA that i got is only like my mobile phone size! but this is bigger that my palm.... hmmmm
this is the picture of the fish that i got today!
the moment i got the huge tilapia fish!!
look at that fatty fish!! looks yummy....
Friday, May 20, 2011
welcome to papa Loki!! hehe
hmmm.. who is Loki?? its my New pet...haha today, he is growing up.. the next 2 weeks from now, i i'll be treat him fully... Loki come to papa.. i am your new father! lol... haha i am excited to taking care of you... my tomel Loki...! loki berketurunan parsi+kampung dari his mummy polita and jejaka! haha
actually i take the name of "Loki" is from Thor muvie! haha.. like usually every pet that we taking care or we love, we always name it..don't you?? i think loki the the best name for him... weeeee...
i just take his picture.. here he is!!
he still weak! and look fatty!
this is his siblings!... there are 5 actually, but loki take my heart! ngeee.. so decide to choose him...
actually i take the name of "Loki" is from Thor muvie! haha.. like usually every pet that we taking care or we love, we always name it..don't you?? i think loki the the best name for him... weeeee...
i just take his picture.. here he is!!
he still weak! and look fatty!
this is his siblings!... there are 5 actually, but loki take my heart! ngeee.. so decide to choose him...
why i use anuar zain song?
aydil is more ahead taking cinta melody song to use as his blog music!! arghhh... but whatever.. i take anuar zain song la.. ngeeee...
actually i am not fan of anuar zain.. i like his song, just this song.. because i like the meaning of the song even i did not have a any girlfriend.. lala.. (perlu?)
usually I am not used often hearing songs like this... hmmm.. but this song make a sense to me... i mean i can accept it.. cing!
actually i am not fan of anuar zain.. i like his song, just this song.. because i like the meaning of the song even i did not have a any girlfriend.. lala.. (perlu?)
usually I am not used often hearing songs like this... hmmm.. but this song make a sense to me... i mean i can accept it.. cing!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
relaxing, reading, cleaning, online, cooking, watching tv, games... sort of these things everyday i did! fishing sometimes... hmmm.. i need something new stuff to enjoy! heeeee
Monday, May 16, 2011
hmmmm... you dare????
hi ^^V
hmmm... today i do nothing, but the biggest thing i did to day is cooking.. i named my cuisine is "ayam masak hentam".. let my share my recipes:
step to cook ayam masak hentam by joko javavi
first step is...prepare the a bowl of chicken, onion n garlic, spice, chili maggie sauce, oyster sause, ketchup cap rumah, a bit oil, a quarter of a teaspoon of salt, ajinomoto, and one glass of hot water..
here we go...
secondly, then sauté onion and garlic together with the spice until the color of the onion n garlic becoming "kekuning-kuningan"..hehe
next step is, put the chili maggie n oyster sauce.. let it within 1 minutes.. then put the chicken n stir it "dengan sebati"... after 1 minutes, put a glass of hot water n let it in about 5 minutes.. @@V
next is, put the ketchup secukup hitam yg kamu suka, a a but, do not put it too much! okey hehe... then put salt n ajinomoto... if you want the taste of ur "ayam masak hentam" so delicious, all u need to do is put 2 teaspoon of sugar! hmmmmm....
thats it, boil it in about 10 - 15 minutes...
THENNN.......... BEEEEMMBBB!!!! jadi lah ayam masak hentam joko javavi!!!! hehe...
if u curious bout my recipes, just try it (>#<) HEHEHE...
GUD LUCK (cing macam ada org mo try) lol...
sorry the picture of my cook is unavailable (nda sempat ambil sbb terus makan sbb lapar) waakakakak...
ok la bye bye... av a good day :)
hmmm... today i do nothing, but the biggest thing i did to day is cooking.. i named my cuisine is "ayam masak hentam".. let my share my recipes:
step to cook ayam masak hentam by joko javavi
first step is...prepare the a bowl of chicken, onion n garlic, spice, chili maggie sauce, oyster sause, ketchup cap rumah, a bit oil, a quarter of a teaspoon of salt, ajinomoto, and one glass of hot water..
here we go...
secondly, then sauté onion and garlic together with the spice until the color of the onion n garlic becoming "kekuning-kuningan"..hehe
next step is, put the chili maggie n oyster sauce.. let it within 1 minutes.. then put the chicken n stir it "dengan sebati"... after 1 minutes, put a glass of hot water n let it in about 5 minutes.. @@V
next is, put the ketchup secukup hitam yg kamu suka, a a but, do not put it too much! okey hehe... then put salt n ajinomoto... if you want the taste of ur "ayam masak hentam" so delicious, all u need to do is put 2 teaspoon of sugar! hmmmmm....
thats it, boil it in about 10 - 15 minutes...
THENNN.......... BEEEEMMBBB!!!! jadi lah ayam masak hentam joko javavi!!!! hehe...
if u curious bout my recipes, just try it (>#<) HEHEHE...
GUD LUCK (cing macam ada org mo try) lol...
sorry the picture of my cook is unavailable (nda sempat ambil sbb terus makan sbb lapar) waakakakak...
ok la bye bye... av a good day :)
Monday, May 9, 2011
my first job during holiday..
hi again.. ^^V hehe
today, fells very2 warm..dunno why? may be the earth sudah kurang oxygen... hmmm, todays i wanna share what is did today.. hurm, long time i not dealing with grass machine. but today we meet again.. fuhh.. so tired!!! today i spend my time to machine all the grass around my home... i felt like shaking after machine the grass cuz, long time i didn't touch it.. hehe i really enjoy it, cuz machine the grass is the same with exercising.. hehe.. tomorrow i will decorate my landscape(cing, ada landscape ka d ruma nie hehehe)...
thats all thanks ;)
The last day before i going back to Labuan.. me and my elc member just giving a surprise to our beloved ELC instructor Miss Del and Mdm Jenny..
here we start, firstly all ECL crew were invited to Dinner event at pitza Hut.. i said "wow, i'm gonna full my stomach fully utilised" haha (cing, padahal kami yg rancang mo buat dinner d piza hut) hehe.. its true!! i ate 7 slice of pitza at that night.. can u imagine...haha. but anyway, miss del n mdm jenny can't suddenly attend that dinner.. cuz they have a lot of work to finished (marking paper) hoho.. but, we (elc member) still want to make a surprise to them.. we planned to go to UiTM with secret recipiency cake that we order (it's very2 damn yummy)huhu... we drove to UiTM and sing a song "Happy B'day song"??? haha thus, mis del n mdm jenny looks question... actually we dunno what song to sing.. hehe just pick that hapy b'day song la..antam jak la... at that moment its so so so sweet.. mis del n mdm jenny so so looks surprise ( mis dell sadi: thought that only mayanti will send the pitza,) but actually all of us are going to...hehe.. i think this is the best part, where we r working together for not forgetting them as instructor of ELC... we love u mis del n mdm jenny... hehe the funny is, while we celebrating to surprise, miss habibah, mdm betsy and mdm suzzane also joining with us.. they said to miss del " hapy b'day birthday gurl.. to miss del" thus miss del said "ish, no its not my birthday (with a huge question marks on her head") hahaha...
for me: it is good for me in joining the english language club, cuz i never speak totally in english before (cing padahal joing elc pown rojak ja) but actually it is a good starter for me to cover all my shyness to speak in english.. the biggest thing that i had learn in UiTM... even though i av a bit error in grammar or what so ever.. it give something meaning to me.. atchhhh... now, i think i may able to speak without nervous with them (our instructor elc) atchhhh... (padahal)hehe..
thanks to miss del n mdm jenny cuz "tahan" with our "gelagat".. hehe (see there are certain words that i dunno in english)...
this part also is one of my sweet memory to dekenag2kn smpi bila2... never thought we are able to do those insane thing!! haha...
last words from me.. thakx a lot again to them... hope further new elc member will doing the best for English Language Club...
ELC is the best!!
bye bye.. :)
here we start, firstly all ECL crew were invited to Dinner event at pitza Hut.. i said "wow, i'm gonna full my stomach fully utilised" haha (cing, padahal kami yg rancang mo buat dinner d piza hut) hehe.. its true!! i ate 7 slice of pitza at that night.. can u imagine...haha. but anyway, miss del n mdm jenny can't suddenly attend that dinner.. cuz they have a lot of work to finished (marking paper) hoho.. but, we (elc member) still want to make a surprise to them.. we planned to go to UiTM with secret recipiency cake that we order (it's very2 damn yummy)huhu... we drove to UiTM and sing a song "Happy B'day song"??? haha thus, mis del n mdm jenny looks question... actually we dunno what song to sing.. hehe just pick that hapy b'day song la..antam jak la... at that moment its so so so sweet.. mis del n mdm jenny so so looks surprise ( mis dell sadi: thought that only mayanti will send the pitza,) but actually all of us are going to...hehe.. i think this is the best part, where we r working together for not forgetting them as instructor of ELC... we love u mis del n mdm jenny... hehe the funny is, while we celebrating to surprise, miss habibah, mdm betsy and mdm suzzane also joining with us.. they said to miss del " hapy b'day birthday gurl.. to miss del" thus miss del said "ish, no its not my birthday (with a huge question marks on her head") hahaha...
for me: it is good for me in joining the english language club, cuz i never speak totally in english before (cing padahal joing elc pown rojak ja) but actually it is a good starter for me to cover all my shyness to speak in english.. the biggest thing that i had learn in UiTM... even though i av a bit error in grammar or what so ever.. it give something meaning to me.. atchhhh... now, i think i may able to speak without nervous with them (our instructor elc) atchhhh... (padahal)hehe..
thanks to miss del n mdm jenny cuz "tahan" with our "gelagat".. hehe (see there are certain words that i dunno in english)...
this part also is one of my sweet memory to dekenag2kn smpi bila2... never thought we are able to do those insane thing!! haha...
last words from me.. thakx a lot again to them... hope further new elc member will doing the best for English Language Club...
ELC is the best!!
bye bye.. :)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
its true....
From now on, i will and i don't care anything about u anymore, be always beside u(selalu kah???) haha, be the one who u will find if u get problem(cing), and thinking bla bla bla... I've successfully manage to forget every thing of u...its just a waste waiting for u.. maybe u are not for me.. or something.... ngeeee.. but anyway, thanks to u cuz make me feel like this... <--- sounds like i being rejected by someone right? hehe... actually nope.. i'm just being a stupid guy looking for nothing.. cuz, i can't spread it the "WORD", what i felt since start feeling sampting la with her... hehe.. i do remember what she said to me last 3 years ago... shaluuuuuuuuuuu... hahaha.. "what a nonsense serious shit i am feeling"....haha she said to me " maybe i am not the person for u tu tut, but maybe there will be someone, kita berkawan saja la" WTF.... (shaluu nya) tadi ak cakap nda reject kn.. nah "u r rejected la JOK....." but i still "stubborn".. try lagi pikat dia... tp shaluuuuuuu ada sda... hehe nda pa la... for my friends yg tau DIA... u la kn who is she...hehe ba... in conclusion, i will set it as in my memory under section LOVE..ngeeee
bad kn.. poor n looser... hohoho
fuh long time i did not writing on this blog.. hehehe.. i will try get up to date this...
>now we are in holidays mode.. huuu huuu huuuraYYYYYYYYYYYYY
ooooo oh BTW..
hope, my wish will come true that,to graduate in this year at UITM sabah taking course Diploma In Accountancy... last final exam so tough la.. cuz, gap jadual sooo sooo bitches!!! dekat sangat, but i manage to faced it.. hehe congratz jok.. to my friends... i hope all of us will pass n graduate together.. hehe....
and daa...
too all my classmate in DIA courses.. i am really2 so much more more and more LOVE all of u guy cuz making joyfulness, happiness, sadness, fightness <--- cing adaka???, hehe teda... and will remember u and U must remember me kehhh..hehe muahhh CING...
ok la gud bye...
bad kn.. poor n looser... hohoho
fuh long time i did not writing on this blog.. hehehe.. i will try get up to date this...
>now we are in holidays mode.. huuu huuu huuuraYYYYYYYYYYYYY
ooooo oh BTW..
hope, my wish will come true that,to graduate in this year at UITM sabah taking course Diploma In Accountancy... last final exam so tough la.. cuz, gap jadual sooo sooo bitches!!! dekat sangat, but i manage to faced it.. hehe congratz jok.. to my friends... i hope all of us will pass n graduate together.. hehe....
and daa...
too all my classmate in DIA courses.. i am really2 so much more more and more LOVE all of u guy cuz making joyfulness, happiness, sadness, fightness <--- cing adaka???, hehe teda... and will remember u and U must remember me kehhh..hehe muahhh CING...
ok la gud bye...
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