i just create this blog since i was teach by mdm A.. one of my Favorited lecturer.. first i don't expected to have a blog, but now i have it..! erm, what will i do for this blog is just share what I've done and share some information that i had read.. hihi.. and of course i will write it in English for not forgetting mdm. A desire..
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
stop for a while
hi bloggers,^^V... the previous entry was make me too obsess to think to.. about paranormal... i should stop it for a while before my mind become too obsess critically obsess.. cuz nowadays i always take many time to think, read and acknowledge about it...haha.. this is me, when my interest become wider i can't afford to think less... but, this things is out of my thought n always haunt myself... i don't want it happen... its enough when i do this things with my cuzen...hehe what can i say while thinking about it... its hard for me to sleep without light, now i always sleep with light on and music after reading about this..hahaha when i think back, its funny, cuz before i exposed about this things, i haven't thought anything about this except after i watch thriller movie..haha...
and u know, when i get exposed about this things, i felt like i get some sort like hidayah to full my solat...after hear my cuzen stories, reading article and many more.. i hope i will let it be sustained until death come to me.. :)
okey, good nite... " iman seseorang boleh bertambah dan berkurang bergantung kepada amalannya"
and u know, when i get exposed about this things, i felt like i get some sort like hidayah to full my solat...after hear my cuzen stories, reading article and many more.. i hope i will let it be sustained until death come to me.. :)
okey, good nite... " iman seseorang boleh bertambah dan berkurang bergantung kepada amalannya"
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
my 1st experience working at office..
well hi peeps, hurmm, i'm not feeling well today.. so weak n lifeless sometimes..hehe cuz i got flu n cough...damn.. hope it will be ok after i drink vitegen n penadol soon... pray for me :)
today i wanna write something about my working life (temporary...while i am waiting my continual studies at degree level).. actually i want to write about my job before.. due to not have much time or may be i forget! hehe now, here.. i am gonna tell you about my job... i work at airpak express as assit. account.. i start working on 1st of june... where today is my 28 days working at there... what am i gonna say that, its not so tough cuz, all the job that has been given to me is my food.. i mean i enjoy working on it... hehehe... my first time working at there, i felt OMG there are a lot of work to do.. cuz previous worker is not doing finish of her job.. fuhhhh.. but, Alhamdulillah, i can handle it.... my working is more in to calculating, key ining amount of transaction, fill the cn form and da what i love is..... working with computer n CALCULATOR!! hahahaha... i like working with calculator.... hehe... so i think this is it.. noting more i can tell or may be none in my thought to think to write anymore for today.... :)
i can't wait my first pay!! $$$
Salam :)
this is the picture of my place in the office... (PERLU???)
this is petty cash file that i have key in... i did it only 2 days... hehe actually not only this i have to key in.. there's are a lot... @@
thats all.. bye...
today i wanna write something about my working life (temporary...while i am waiting my continual studies at degree level).. actually i want to write about my job before.. due to not have much time or may be i forget! hehe now, here.. i am gonna tell you about my job... i work at airpak express as assit. account.. i start working on 1st of june... where today is my 28 days working at there... what am i gonna say that, its not so tough cuz, all the job that has been given to me is my food.. i mean i enjoy working on it... hehehe... my first time working at there, i felt OMG there are a lot of work to do.. cuz previous worker is not doing finish of her job.. fuhhhh.. but, Alhamdulillah, i can handle it.... my working is more in to calculating, key ining amount of transaction, fill the cn form and da what i love is..... working with computer n CALCULATOR!! hahahaha... i like working with calculator.... hehe... so i think this is it.. noting more i can tell or may be none in my thought to think to write anymore for today.... :)
i can't wait my first pay!! $$$
Salam :)
this is the picture of my place in the office... (PERLU???)
this is petty cash file that i have key in... i did it only 2 days... hehe actually not only this i have to key in.. there's are a lot... @@
thats all.. bye...
Monday, June 27, 2011
am i still young to learn about it? cing!
nowadays, i was exposed about paranormal things that make me interested.. i am not sure that, it was temporary or long-term interest.. cuz, sort of these things is allowed or not.. the attraction of that things interest me... now, i am thinking and read a lot about this things.... what i got was, it just a knowledge about human mental n spiritual, aurora, energy, chakra and so many things... last nights, i had follow my cousin and his friends to do paranormal activity.. it was my second time following them.. on that night, my cousin intend to see the supernatural being.. and so mine (but I'm not obsess about it) cuz on that night my feelings was mixed fear plus worried!..hehe
on that night, i was learn how to see energy of supernatural beings n human.. what i got was, i dunno, or may be i am not suitable enough or bla bla blaaa to see it...however, it make sense, cuz i had saw a bit strange things some sort like "people looking at us" "something creatures like riding a bike".... whooooaaa.. but I'm not afraid..usually was fear! haha.. may be i was comfortable because i was exposed a little bit about that things.. i think, i want to learn about it... can i?
and i think it was not forbidden! cuz i intend to learn about it just for my own advantages.. for kindness... ^^
may be someday i will acquire this knowledge but from where??? cingggggggggggg
ooo.. i had saw my friends blog and wrote about her job experience! later i will write mine.. wahaha (nda mau kalah)...
today is 27 of june... and at the end of this month and other month will be busy day.... OMG i should competent in during my job... and soon my first salary will pay :).... hehe
i am embarrassed to share this essay (essay???) actually because i can't keep in my heart! so i just post it on this blog.. whoever want to read..just read and give some advice to me.. thanks... ^^
Sunday, June 19, 2011
fishing today was awesome!
haiyo bloggers! today is Sunday! haha so? ok duhhh
today me and my crew (eccchhhh)... me and my cuzen went fishing at tanjung kubong which is my first time being there! the place was so so clean n beautiful! really! i never thought in Labuan having a great place like that! it was so calm being at there! but its hard to going there cuz it was some sort like isolated place! hehe i mean there are not lot of people are going there!
what we did at there was fishing! the placed was suggested by my cuzen which is his grandma have a garden at there.. so he lead our way to that place.. next time maybe we will going there again n agian.. cuz we was exited to fish there!! hehe... and da i am not satisfied yet! cuz i only got 1 fish which called "ikan kerapu" not big enough but it was the big fish i got then my cuzen. they are only got a small fish but they got more! hehe
so this is the picture, the moment we are in that place!
this is my sister.. she got 2 small fish..
this is wewe, he only got 2 small fish..
this is me... i just got 1 fish...
this is my brother.. he got 1 small fish...
this is my cuzen.. he got 5 small fish..
this is my brother in law.. and he got nothing!! hahaha :P
after we went back from fishing.. we enjoy ABC at pohon baru...
i consider it is a good activity to enjoy.... you should try some times... hehe
gud nite... i am so tired... papay... :)
today me and my crew (eccchhhh)... me and my cuzen went fishing at tanjung kubong which is my first time being there! the place was so so clean n beautiful! really! i never thought in Labuan having a great place like that! it was so calm being at there! but its hard to going there cuz it was some sort like isolated place! hehe i mean there are not lot of people are going there!
what we did at there was fishing! the placed was suggested by my cuzen which is his grandma have a garden at there.. so he lead our way to that place.. next time maybe we will going there again n agian.. cuz we was exited to fish there!! hehe... and da i am not satisfied yet! cuz i only got 1 fish which called "ikan kerapu" not big enough but it was the big fish i got then my cuzen. they are only got a small fish but they got more! hehe
so this is the picture, the moment we are in that place!
this is my sister.. she got 2 small fish..
this is wewe, he only got 2 small fish..
this is me... i just got 1 fish...
this is my brother.. he got 1 small fish...
this is my cuzen.. he got 5 small fish..
this is my brother in law.. and he got nothing!! hahaha :P
after we went back from fishing.. we enjoy ABC at pohon baru...
i consider it is a good activity to enjoy.... you should try some times... hehe
gud nite... i am so tired... papay... :)
Friday, June 17, 2011
sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ketanah jua..
lol... this morning was so cool n fresh.. what i mean is "sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ketanah jua.. tapi tupai ku nasib selamat sbb tangan nya masi lg tesangkut...haha" kiddin! i was nearly caught by my father that i smoking! but i pretending didn't! zzzzzzz.. according to my perception, they are two.. whether he mad on me or he mad but not to harsh! zzzzz
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
the picture...
this is one of the picture that i take from that night.. see that beside the light... idk it was or was not... looks that creature r using sort of white fabric...
Monday, June 13, 2011
what's NEXT??? I am scare to know about it.. but i still want to know about it.. but not so sure???? lol
aa ah.. what i mean is.. i was get in to know about paranormal activity.. hell yeah sound crazy... but this is what i mean! i mean i had post at my fb saying that "there are something make me interested.. but it's forbidden... on june 7.." i had followed my new friends (cing, consider as new friend cuz i just meet them last 2 weeks) they are sort of special persons. i mean they have abilities to see what we can't see some sort like "6 sense" i don't know but they are make sense.. they had shared a little bit about something extraordinary thing to us... then what they are saying was make me questioned... hurmmm.. last friday night had followed them to go to one place called "taman botanikal at Labuan" i was so exited and scare and a bit trembling! i think the worst thing i had in my life! but it's interesting but what we call "DANGEROUS" for those who vulnerable person... this activities my cuzen called as "paranormal activities" which sound scary!
and you know on that night i just had take many picture.. i mean take the supernatural beings picture.. but i am not so sure what i saw in my camera was it or not... i also had take a video on that night.. what i got was.. there are something creature at the toilet in that place which "taman botanikal"... but i am not so sure about it.. i just Bluetooth that video to my cuzen which he will analyzed later! OMG is that.. cingggggggggggggggggggggggg...
sooooo scare and creepy!
and you know on that night i just had take many picture.. i mean take the supernatural beings picture.. but i am not so sure what i saw in my camera was it or not... i also had take a video on that night.. what i got was.. there are something creature at the toilet in that place which "taman botanikal"... but i am not so sure about it.. i just Bluetooth that video to my cuzen which he will analyzed later! OMG is that.. cingggggggggggggggggggggggg...
sooooo scare and creepy!
bad experience ever when i was in year 4!
its 12.58 AM sitting in the office with listening to radio and suddenly i recalled my memory when i was in year 4 at sekolah kebangsaan layang-layang2an.. this experience actually make my eager to learn become down "drastically down"... the story like this...
ok.. long time ago, when i was in year 3, i had pass in my examination (my first time pass in exam!! lol).. then i got offered to enter to (kelas hijau) i mean naik kelas...
i was in year 4... my teacher asked me.. why r u here?? then i said.. i was offered to enter in this class.. she replied "why is your name are not the list??" and i replied "idk".. (masih ni cigu kelas tu nda puas hati..sambil berkerut dahi..) sudden.. she asked to all students in that class to write an essay (free essay) in 10 minutes.. then in my thought "alamak mcm mn mo mula ni.. maklum la org baru belajar terus2 kena test" then i wrote something.. i didn't remember what was i wrote about sorry.. hehe then the 10 minutes is over.. then she asked to submit all the essay.. the first student she mark was me.. then, lot of comments she gave after she read my essay (i know its worst cuz i never write any essay like high school student!) usually if i want to success in doing something i must have a practise... you know what happened??? she she she.... argghhh.. my mood become gerammm bila di ingatkan semula smpi skrg... aarrggghhhh
then what was disappoint me was.. i was kicked out from kelas hijau... it was sooooo make my eager to learn is DUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH... then until year 5 i am went in the same class then in year 6 was worst turun kelas paling teruk!!! cuz, at that moment i think " buat apa mo lulus kalau lulus pn turun jua p kelas palinggg bawahh" i was set my mind like that... stupid kn...
the moral of lesson is: jgn trip pandai kerana kalau ko pandai ada lg org lebih pandai dari kau... ngam ka?? haha...
for me.. moderate is batter then high n low <-- u know what i mean??
hope all of you understand what i am writing.. hehe
then my UPSR result got 2 fail which i got 2B,1C,2D "D stand for DOGO!! haha subject BM n ENGLISH)
ok! i want to continue my job in this office.. dadaa..
ok.. long time ago, when i was in year 3, i had pass in my examination (my first time pass in exam!! lol).. then i got offered to enter to (kelas hijau) i mean naik kelas...
i was in year 4... my teacher asked me.. why r u here?? then i said.. i was offered to enter in this class.. she replied "why is your name are not the list??" and i replied "idk".. (masih ni cigu kelas tu nda puas hati..sambil berkerut dahi..) sudden.. she asked to all students in that class to write an essay (free essay) in 10 minutes.. then in my thought "alamak mcm mn mo mula ni.. maklum la org baru belajar terus2 kena test" then i wrote something.. i didn't remember what was i wrote about sorry.. hehe then the 10 minutes is over.. then she asked to submit all the essay.. the first student she mark was me.. then, lot of comments she gave after she read my essay (i know its worst cuz i never write any essay like high school student!) usually if i want to success in doing something i must have a practise... you know what happened??? she she she.... argghhh.. my mood become gerammm bila di ingatkan semula smpi skrg... aarrggghhhh
then what was disappoint me was.. i was kicked out from kelas hijau... it was sooooo make my eager to learn is DUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH... then until year 5 i am went in the same class then in year 6 was worst turun kelas paling teruk!!! cuz, at that moment i think " buat apa mo lulus kalau lulus pn turun jua p kelas palinggg bawahh" i was set my mind like that... stupid kn...
the moral of lesson is: jgn trip pandai kerana kalau ko pandai ada lg org lebih pandai dari kau... ngam ka?? haha...
for me.. moderate is batter then high n low <-- u know what i mean??
hope all of you understand what i am writing.. hehe
then my UPSR result got 2 fail which i got 2B,1C,2D "D stand for DOGO!! haha subject BM n ENGLISH)
ok! i want to continue my job in this office.. dadaa..
Friday, June 3, 2011
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